Voice and data cabling are critical to the operation of your business. It governs your ability to communicate both inside and outside of your facilities, as well as how your technology systems and devices interact with one another. Voice and data cabling encompasses a wide range of cabling types, including CATV, data center, fiber optic, network cabling, and others.

What Is Voice & Data Cabling?

Voice and data cabling is the connection between your end device such as your PC, telephone, printer or fax to the world of technology allowing it to be used in your business. Cabling needs to be done correctly from the get-go or issues will arise. In the same way that WiFi helps you use laptops and your cell phone, cabling is a hardwired, faster and more secure version of that.

Planning IS KEY

Before you begin installing data and voice cable in your office or place of business, make sure you have considered all of the different factors and have a proper plan of action.

Our cabling specialists handle every aspect of your networks, from installation and setup to cleaning and organizing your server closets.

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